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Reactive resins

BCD Chemie distributes reactive resins for floor coatings and for the production of road marking paints. These reactive resins are based on methacrylates and can be cured quickly with peroxides, so that the cured systems can be loaded again after just a few hours.

Reactive resins for floor coatings

With DEGADUR®, BCD Chemie offers a long-established solvent-free reactive resin for high-quality and durable coating of floors in industry, logistics, the food industry and for many other areas. DEGADUR® reactive resins cure very quickly and can be processed even at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. After just a few hours, the coated floors are ready to take a load again. Coatings with DEGADUR® are UV and chemical resistant and repairable.

The main applications of DEGADUR® reactive resins in industrial and commercial flooring constructions are:
  • as a protective layer of mineral surfaces against mechanical and chemical stresses
  • as permanent protection of heavily loaded components against weathering and mechanical stresses
  • as a tested system component for meeting specific hygiene and workplace safety requirements
  • as a system component for decorative surfaces

Reactive resins for road marking paints

Paints for road markings, for colour marking of surfaces or paths and for markings on floors should be solvent-free, fast drying and durable.
All these properties are offered by paints formulated with DEGAROUTE® reactive resins.

DEGAROUTE® systems are coldplastics and are based on the proven methacrylate chemistry. They contain no solvent and can be formulated with a wide variety of pigments. These systems are cured with peroxides, which are added just before the paint is applied.

Paints based on DEGAROUTE® cure quickly, so that the road is passable again after just a few hours.

DEGAROUTE® is weather, abrasion and UV resistant. Even at low temperatures around freezing point and at high humidity, paints based on DEGAROUTE® can be applied and cure quickly.

Do you need more information?

Are you interested in learning more about DEGADUR® and DEGAROUTE®? Then please contact us directly.
Our experienced technicians and our product management will help you with all your questions.

Your contact person

Reactive resins

Simone Jöhnk
Performance Chemicals

Phone: +49 40 77173 2528

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